Eveana Henry, also known as ‘Pamputtae’ was known in her community as ‘Buju’ or ‘Buju Fabulous’, as the name of her crew was ‘Fabulous Girls’. Pamputtae was born on June 19, 1985 and she attended the Calabar All-Age School where she realized her obvious talent for dancing and music.
Pamputtae’s big break came in 2006 when she did an intro for Tony Matterhorn for his song ‘Goodas Fi Dem’. The song was an instant hit, which took Pamputtae’s name all over the world. At the 2008 staging of Fully Loaded and Beenie Man’s Summer Sizzle, Pamputtae gave an excellent performance, earning her many a ‘forwards’ and rave reviews in the print media. “Talk di tings dem!” … A phrase made popular by Pamputtae.
“I love the African movies and I would always say “Hey! Pamputtae!”, so soon after the intro with Matterhorn, the fans and some friends of mine said that's the name I should use. So, from that, the name just stuck.”
Pamputtae is known for hits like: “Slim Vs fluffy feat. Spice ”, “Sticky Whine ”, “ Bruck Yuh Feat. Chappa Chaps ”, “Pump it”, “Kushie feat. QQ.”
No tour dates scheduled. Check back soon.